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We set high standards of behaviour for the children in our Academy. We focus our approach to managing discipline through a variety of reward systems and clear sanctions.

The Academy has only those rules which are necessary for the safety of its members. The rules and appropriate sanctions have been devised by the children with guidance from staff.

We encourage pupils to take ownership of their behaviour and consider how conflicts could be resolved before becoming a serious issue. Children are taught through discussion how to make the right choice and what choices they have available to them.

Each year we train a group of children as play leaders whose role is to encourage playground games.

A copy of the Skegby Junior Academy Guide to a Code of Conduct for pupils will be issued in the Home School Diary annually and parents are asked to sign the Home School Agreement on their child’s entry to the Academy.

We expect all our pupils and parents to sign and understand the Code of Conduct and we benefit from knowing that you will support us. As part of our Citizenship programme we have a School Council and Class Councils. All children will have the opportunity to learn the procedures and vocabulary associated with these councils. Through democratic process two members from each class are elected to the School Council in September and after hustings we elect Team Captains from Year 6 for our Academy House teams.

Our School Council deals with practical school issues and gives our pupils a forum to voice their views. The Academy sees this Council as an essential way of consulting our children and leading some initiatives for change. Our House teams encourage challenge, excellence, sporting behaviour, integration of children across years and is a supportive network for pupils.