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Cookies Policy

This Cookie Policy applies to the Skegby Junior Academy (“the Website”). By accessing this website, you acknowledge that you understand and agree to this Cookie Policy.

We reserve the right to vary the below Cookie Policy from time to time and any such changes will be displayed here.

What are cookies?
Cookies are small text files that are placed on your device when you visit our site. Our cookies do not contain any personal information that we can identify you by. All the information is aggregated and used to see how visitors to our site, as a whole, are using it or to remember your preferences.

Cookies used on our site:
Google Analytics and Addthis; Google Analytics is Google’s visitor analysis system, allowing us to measure general data about anonymous visitor traffic. Addthis is a feature that allows you to share a page with your social network, via Facebook, Twitter, email and a range of other external social websites.

Cookie Control
If you would like to disable, delete or control cookies on your browser, please follow the appropriate link for your browser below:

Internet Explorer