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The Academy is organised into co-educational, mixed ability groups. Where possible, classes are taught in single age groups, but numbers of children and teachers may result in some mixed age classes.

When non-teaching time of morning break and acts of collective worship are taken into consideration, all children receive 23 hours 35 minutes of teaching each week.

The Academy has organised the teaching of information technology through the provision of iPads in conjunction with broadband internet access. These are used to further support delivery of the curriculum in classrooms.

Children’s work is planned by teachers in teams and work is prepared to meet the different abilities within the class. Where necessary, the Academy’s Special Needs Co-ordinator is also involved and individual planning for pupils may be needed. Class teachers carefully prepare and set homework tasks that are designed to support your child’s learning and understanding of work done in the classroom. We hope that you will find this information helpful when supporting your children with their studies and that you will both support homework and ensure it is completed.

Each term staff will be setting individual learning targets with your child that arise from classwork. Your child will have targets for writing and numeracy to ensure their continued progress throughout the year. At Parents’ meetings, you will be given indications of how well your child is progressing and in the Summer term we will report on their end of year achievement. Your active support will help your child to achieve his or her personal targets and your encouragement with homework will lead to significant progress.

The Academy has up to four Teaching Assistants to support learning. This support is used not only for pupils who need a little help but is also given to more able pupils to support their achievement.