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Performance Tables

You can find more information about these KS2 performance measures, including the higher standard, in the ‘Primary school accountability’ guidance.


Glossary of terms 

EXS+: Children that are working at or above the Expected Standard for that age- group.

GDS: Children working at greater depth within the expected standard.

Combined: Children that have achieved the Expected standard or above in all three of the following subjects: reading, writing AND maths.

GPS: Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling.

Progress Measures: This is a number derived from a calculation that compares their SAT scores in Year 2 to their scores in Year 6 and derives a progress score. A score of -3.0 to 3.0 is deemed to be acceptable progress for Reading and Maths, whilst -5.0 to 5.0 is used for writing.

Average Scaled Score: scaled score or standardised score is derived from the score that the child achieved overall in each subject. A child working at the Expected Standard would achieve a scaled score of 100 or above. A child working at Greater Depth would need to achieve 110 or above. The scaled scores range from 80 to 120. The Average Scaled Scale results by averaging the scaled scores of all children in the year group. (Our DSP Children, working below the standard of the test, are assigned a value based on teacher assessments.)

TA: Teacher Assessment based on lesson performance.

R W M stand for Reading, Writing and Maths