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Admissions Consultation

In accordance with the School Admissions Code, all admission authorities are required to consult at least once every seven years even if there have been no changes during that period. 

As the Skegby Junior Academy formally opened in September 2013, we must consult for the 2021/22 academic year. We have made amendments to our over-subscription criteria, as detailed in the proposed policy.

Following the requirements of the Schools Admissions Code, the Academy must go out to consultation on this for a full six week period.

The initial statutory consultation period for the Academy started on Monday 4 November but this has been extended and will now run until:

Monday 27 January 2020

Comments are invited from parents and also Local Authorities, local schools and other Admissions Authorities on this proposal. 

If you wish to respond to these proposals, you can either email the Academy at or write to us with your views.

Please mark your envelope 'Admissions Consultation' and send it for the attention of Tina Hamilton, Office Manager, by Monday 27 January 2020.

Admissions Policy attached below