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Skegby Junior Academy


Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

We strive to cater for the individual needs of all children at the Skegby Junior Academy; those with learning difficulties as well as those with special talents. Staff support children both within the classroom and in small groups. As Special Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator, I work with the Support Assistants who work alongside the classroom teachers or work with individuals or groups of children, both in or out of the classroom. The Academy is justly proud of the efforts and energies we take to support children who have special educational needs and disabilities.

Every teacher works towards pupils achieving their full potential by adjusting expectations and support for children, but there are specific cases where Individual Education Programmes are necessary.

With this in mind, all teachers work closely with the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator assessing, developing and monitoring work programmes. Parents are kept informed of work programmes and are encouraged to become involved in helping their children whenever possible.

Click on the links below to view the Academy Accessibility Plan, Academy trust SEND Policy, the Local Authority Local Offer and Skegby Junior Academy Information Report.

If you have any concerns about your child or would like to make an appointment with Miss Nagelsztajn please click here to complete the form.

Miss H Nagelsztajn
Special Needs Co-ordinator

Academy SEND Policy

Nottinghamshire LA Local Offer